Below are the URLs to manage your domains from domain control panel:
http://domaincp.hosticon.in/customer (For Customers signup in INR Indian currency)
http://domaincp.hosticon.com/customer (For Customers signup in USD currency)
- Search for the domain name whose Domain Secret you wish to view/modify and proceed to the Order Information view.
Click the Domain Secret link.
- Here, the current Domain (Transfer) Secret will be displayed. In order to change it, provide a new Domain (Transfer) Secret in the textbox and click the Update Domain Secret button to set it.
Domain Secret character limit for different Domain Name Extensions
While modifying the Domain Secret of .COM, .NET, .NAME domain names, the following rules apply:
The length of the Domain Secret can be from 8 to 32 characters only
The Domain Secret must contain 1 alphabet, 1 number as well as 1 special character.
The Domain Secret should ideally consist of alphanumeric as well as special characters like the ones mentioned below:
A -Z and a - z
0 - 9
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
However, certain TLDs do not support usage of special characters in the Domain Secret:
.ME: No special character. Only alphanumeric characters permitted.
.UK: No special character. Only alphanumeric characters permitted.
.WS: < > & '
In case of a .COM, .NET, .WS domain names the Domain Secret field may be blank. In order to set it, provide a new Domain (Transfer) Secret in the textbox and click the Update Domain Secret button.
In order to set a new Domain (Transfer) Secret / Authorization Code for a .EU domain name, you need to click the Fetch Latest Token button.
Authorization Code for a .EU domain name will have the format XXXX-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC where XXXX is a plain-text identifier of the current Registrar, and AAAA, BBBB and CCCC are blocks of 4 random characters (letters and digits) separated by dashes.
The Authorization Code is generated upon request from the Registrar and is valid for a period of 40 days. Each time the code is requested, a new one will be generated on the spot, replacing the previous one and remaining valid for 40 days.
Requests submitted during the first day (24 hours from the moment of first request) of the validity period of the code will not result in a new code being generated. The request will return the same code with the same remaining validity period.
The first request for an Authorization Code is made on 15 Dec 2012 11.00 AM GMT. An Authorization Code will be generated with a validity of 40 days. All further requests for the code within the next 24 hours (16 Dec 2012 11.00 AM GMT) will return the same code with the same remaining validity period. Requests after the initial 24 hours will return a fresh Authorization Code.
Authorization Code associated with a .EU domain name will become invalid immediately after use.
In order to set a new Domain (Transfer) Secret / Authorization Code for a .NL domain name, you need to click the Fetch Latest Token button.
In case of a .NZ domain name, you can not choose a Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) of your own. The Domain Secret page will display a link to modify the Domain (Transfer) Secret. Clicking the same will generate a new Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) automatically.
Once a domain name having an associated Domain (Transfer) Secret / Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) is Transferred to HostIcon.com from another Registrar, a new Domain (Transfer) Secret / Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) is set for such a domain name. This process is implemented from a security perspective.